Our templates are created with clients' demands in mind. We care about their functional parameters and design quality. Here you can observe what notable changes have been made between each release of our products.
Changelog Vendy Pro
- Release Version 2.0.1
- Release Version 2.0
- Release Version 1.3.2
- Release Version 1.3.1
- Release Version 1.3.0
- Release Version 1.0.4
- Release Version 1.0.3
- Release Version 1.0.2
- Release Version 1.0.1
- Added: 10 multipurpose skins.
- Added: Recently Viewed Products section.
- Added: Comparison Image Banner section.
- Added: Comparison Image with Text section.
- Added: Popup section (enables you to employ a pop-up to convey any information you desire, negating the necessity of utilizing a newsletter).
- Added: Image Scroll Banner section (enables seamless snapping to the adjacent block with just one scroll).
- Added: Slider feature for both desktop and mobile platforms to showcase recommended products.
- Added: Product Inventory Stock Bar (Animated Progress Bar).
- Added: Product Viewers Counter.
- Added: Custom Product Options.
- Added: The infinite scrolling on collection and search pages (allowing users to seamlessly load more products as they scroll down the page).
- Added: Dynamic Quantity Display in Cart (display the number of products added to the cart directly in the quantity block, reflecting the user's selected options).
- Added: Cart dropdown by hover setting.
- Added: Accordion-style functionality within the footer blocks, presenting itself as a linked list specifically tailored for mobile devices.
- Added: Transparent header in cases where no sticky header is present.
- Added: Video Slide to Slideshow option.
- Added: On/Off-Page Loader Settings.
- Updated: Search Component with Suggestions.
- Updated: Scrolling in Navigation Product Tabs.
- Updated: Featured Product Section (added inventory stockbar, countdown, right media layout, updated quantity component).
- Updated: Slider components on tablets.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
- Fixed: Remove demo metafields from product.json (on install theme removed this file, because not found metafields in the store.
- Added: Skin Autoparts.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
- Added: Vendy Health and Beauty Skin 2.
- Added: ZMZ Lookbook Picker section.
- Updated: Zmz icon text section: added vertical alignment setting.
- Updated: Slideshow section: added full width banner-box setting.
- Updated: Zmz Lookbook Product section: added product list to the slideshow design option.
- Added: Product size-chart popup (by metafield) option.
- Fixed: Minor bugs and code is optimized.
- Added: 3 new types.
- Added: Text options for header icons.
- Added: Header transparent overlay for the home page.
- Added: Two search types: as toggle, as row.
- Added: Top bar block (possibility to add social links, lang and currency selectors, text field).
- Added: Adding on/off flag in selector currency localization.
ZMZ Banner and ZMZ Multicolumn:
- Updated: Improved the performance of the Multicolumn section by reducing the image sizes being loaded.
ZMZ Lookbook Slider:
- Added: New Lookbook Slider functionality.
ZMZ Announcement bar:
- Added: New Announcement bar functionality.
- Added: Image announcement banner + countdown option.
- Added: Customosible text + countdown option.
- Added: Announcement banner with copy code cupon + countdown option.
Custom font:
- Added: New option the "Custom font" (possibility to use custom font from upload store sotage or google font).
ZMZ Ticker:
- Added: New option "ZMZ Ticker".
ZMZ Featured Collection with image:
- Added: New "ZMZ Featured Collection with image" option that allows adding a picture with a link in one row with products.
ZMZ Featured Collection with vertical tabs:
- Added: New option "ZMZ Featured Collection with vertical tabs".
- Added: Vertival tabs option.
- Added: Image ratio option.
- Added: Custom image option.
- Added: 2 banners option.
- Added: Custom HTML block option.
ZMZ Featured Collection:
- Updated: Adding banner image as column for design type 4.
- Fixed: Probem with column if enable tabs and design type 4.
ZMZ link list:
- Added: New option "ZMZ link list".
ZMZ Collage:
- Added: Possibility to upload video files directly to Shopify and showcase them in the video section.
- Added: Card style.
- Added: 2 product design cards.
- Added: Layout with 4 images.
ZMZ Lookbook Carousel:
- Added: New functionality "ZMZ Lookbook Carousel".
ZMZ Background:
- Added: Possibility to upload video files directly to Shopify and showcase them in the video section.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed: Position preloader on mobile.
- Fixed: Position stick up product button if that component overlaps footer content.
- Fixed: No scroll if more search results.
- Fixed: Positon container search after scroll if sticky type is "on scroll up".
- Fixed: Problem with compare and wishlist using load more button on collection.
- Fixed: Wraper sections in product tabs.
- Fixed: Ratio product card if change to square.
- Fixed: Behavior scroll thumbnails in vertical product gallery.
New homes:
- Added: Vendy Electronics Skin 1.
- Added: Vendy Pro Home 12.
- Added: Vendy Pro Home 13.
- Added: Collage section.
- Added: Opportunity to change type and width of section container.
- Added: Desktop layout.
- Added: Title, subtitle, description scale.
- Added: Horizontal block space.
- Added: Block button styles.
- Added: Mobile layout.
Newsletter (Email signup):
- Added: An option to display the ‘Type line’ section.
- Added: Heading font size scale to the Heading block.
- Added: Field input style setting (2 options) to Email form.
- Added: ‘Social media icons’ block with the option to choose a social icon style.
Footer newsletter block (update):
- Added: The Heading font size scale to the Heading block.
- Added: Field input style setting (2 options) to the Email form.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed: The Heading font size scale to the Heading block.
- Fixed: The ability to switch tabs when more than 2 Featured Collection sections are added to one page.
- Added: The ability to display custom colors that are not included in the list of web colors through meta fields (color hex or image). Implemented for product page variant block, for variant URL on product cards in Collections and Featured product section.
- Added: Link by clicking image product card, a collection card.
- Fixed: Small-size media product page gallery.
- Transferred: New "Click and hover" zoom option on the desktop for product page images to add a more subtle hover effect.
- Added: Language and currency switcher to the header section for multi-stores (sell in multiple currencies or languages).
- Added: Option to choose the stylization of social media icons.
- Added: App to header block (header section to the left of the shopping cart icon).
- Added: Wishlist to the mobile menu.
- Optimized: Header structure to facilitate further development.
- Added: Link list option for the lower part of the footer.
- Transferred: Newsletter section to the group footer.
- Fixed: Missing text variable 'cart empty'.
- Optimized: Different icons in social icons block.
- Optimized: Logo width to ensure the image looked crisp on all device sizes.
- Deleted: Unnecessary files.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
- Added: sort grid viewer for collection and search pages.
- Added: custom dropdown for select sorting in the filter.
- Added: new style for filter.
- Added: support advanced rich text.
- Added: megamenu width by content.
- Added: subcollection on collection page.
- Added: slider to Section Collection list.
- Fixed: appearing product drawer content in quick view content.
- Fixed: problem with scroll page if using sticky header and menu type drawer.
- Fixed: filter (type drawer) content overlap sticky header.
- Fixed: showing rating stars on android and ios devices.
- Fixed: scroll page if using sticky header and menu type drawer.
- Fixed: cart template after installing theme.
- Fixed: product templates after installing a theme.
- Added: 4+Homes.
- Added: about us +2.
- Added: new 5 footer layouts.
- Added: brands section.
- Added: custom icon blocks.
- Added: zmz multicolumn (additional settings end components).
- Added: 5 footer layouts.
- Added: option choose to display 2 new styles SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS.
- Added: new settings newsletter.
New pages or layouts:
- Adapted: banner image for the mob version.
- Added: a container for banner content.
- Customized: alignment settings on mobile.
- Customized: default view of the banner section.
- Fixed: banner header size.
- Added: a container for testimonials content.
- Fixed: navigation on mobile.
Feature blog:
- Added: opportunity to change type and width of section container.
- Added: desktop slider.
- Added: two types of posts layout.
- Added: vertical alignment.
- Added: opportunity to turn-on/turn-off tags, button, article description on the post card.
- Added: caption padding for mobile and desktop.
- Added: two types of button.
- Customized: desktop slider.
- Customized: horizontal post card design.
- Customized: settings for the horizontal card type.
- Customized: footer width settings.
- Customized: additional newsletter settings.
- Customized: choosing to display SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS in two options.
- Customized: block width settings block width.
- Added: two new blocks Contacts and Payment methods.
Zmz video background:
- Customized: additional positioning settings.
- Customized: content settings in the video and image blocks.
Collection list:
- Added: page collection list +3 variants.
- Added: opportunity to change type and width of section container.
- Added: two types of caption position.
- Added: align caption position.
- Added: show count products in collection.
- Added: link or button style and button customization.
Page collection list
- Added: opportunity to change type and width of section container.
- Added: two types of layout (grid/list).
- Added: two types of caption position.
- Added: align caption position.
- Added: custom position image for list layout.
- Customized: show count products in collection.
- Customized: link or button style and button customization.
Product cards
- Added: products cards style + 2 variants.
- Added: custom settings for variant links to card product.
- Added: new settings for collection page and section zmz-featured-collection.
- Added: ability mix dropdown and megamenu.
- Added: advanced settings for customization menu blocks (product-list and blog-list).
- Added: testimonials text content container.
- Fixed: style caption for banner section on mobile and added settings responsive image for mobile.
- Fixed: style megamenu on mobile.
- Fixed: testimonials mobile navigation.
- Fixed: minor bags.