
Everything for Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor

Sorting Search Results by Relevance

From this block you can learn how to control the search results that the posts to be showed by relevance.
  1. From this block you can learn how to control the search results, making sure that the posts are sorted according to the relevance.

  2. You can manage the order of the search results and change the way they are showcased, which result should be the first, and which is to be the last one.

    Each request will be handled depending on the location and frequency of mentioning the search words. This is how the position of the result is defined.

    • The first search result should include the search words matching the request in the title, excerpt and content.

    • The second result should contain the matching search words in the content and excerpt.

    • The results with the lowest relevance should have the search keywords either in their title, or content, or excerpt.

  3. Now adjust the needed settings in Ajax Search widget.

  4. Open the page, where you want to add Ajax Search widget and click Edit with Elementor button.

  5. Add the Ajax Search widget in the section.

  6. In the Content > Search Settings tab select Relevance option from Sort Results by dropdown list.

  7. Below, in the Filter Results set the descending or ascending order of the search results.

  8. Click the Update button.