
Multipurpose WordPress Theme


Widgets are basic components of a website, which can be placed to different widget areas, for e.g. to sidebar, header, footer, before or after content, or any other custom area.
Widgets have different functions and can be set and tuned up in Customizer > Widgets tab.


This widget is used to display information about your site.

  • title
    widget's text title;
  • logo
    you can select a logo for the widget;
  • enable tagline
    enable/disable tagline;
  • content
    add content to this field.

About Author

This widget is used to display blog author information.

  • title
    widgets text title;
  • select user to show
    you can select a user / author from a dropdown list to show on the page;
  • author avatar size
    here you can define the author avatar image size, set it to 0 to hide the avatar, it will be applied only to gravatar;
  • custom avatar image
    here you can choose and upload the custom author avatar image;
  • link
    here you can set a link, or leave it empty to hide;
  • link label
    here you can set a link text.

This widget is designed to add banners to the website.

  • source
    choose the source image for the banner;
  • link
    this option allows you to add a link to a particular banner. Hover on a thumbnail in the customizer and click the button in the middle of it to specify the address;
  • open in
    specify whether to open the link in a current window or in a new one.

Widget is used to display and setup slider carousel on the website.

  • title
    this property specifies the widget title;
  • select category
    specify a category to pull carousel slides from;
  • posts count
    here you can define the number of slides / posts to display;
  • display title
    hide/show post title below the carousel slide;
  • display content
    hide/show post content below the carousel slide;
  • display more button
    hide/show the more button / link;
  • more button text
    read more button / link label;
  • content words trimmed count
    this property defines the content words limit;
  • number of slides per view
    this property specifies how many slides are visible at the same time inside the slider container;
  • number slides per group
    this property specifies the numbers of slides to define and enable group sliding;
  • multi row slides layout
    this property specifies how many slides are displayed per column, for multirow layout;
  • width of the space between slides
    this property specifies the distance between slides in pixels;
  • duration of transition between slides
    this property specifies slides duration (in ms) to trigger swipe to next/previous slide during the long swipes;
  • slider pagination
    hide/show bullet navigation on slides;
  • choose slider navigation position
    here you can define the navigation arrows position: inner - inside the container, outer - outside the container;
  • slider navigation
    hide/show navigation arrows.