JetSmartFilters Settings
In this block you can learn more about JetSmartFilters settings.
To access JetSmartFilters settings you need to navigate to Elementor > JetSmartFilters Settings in your Dashboard.
Use filters for widgets
In this block you can change the list of content widgets that are available for filtering using JetSmartFilters functionality.
This option is useful for you when:
- you want to conceal the rarely used content widgets to access the most frequently used ones more quickly;
- you want Elementor work faster - in this case disabling some of the rarely used content widgets will speed up the loading time.
You might also consider disabling some of the rarely used content widgets when you're facing the Memory Limit Exhausted error, and you can't boost up the memory limit on your server.
Just remove the checks for those content widgets you want to disable and click Save button to save the changes.

Please, note, you should select one of the widgets (Elementor Pro Archive or JetWooBuilder WooCommerce Archive) for displaying WooCommerce archives for correct work of filters.