Cherry Data Importer
This plugin will help you export posts, comments, widgets, settings etc., from one site to another. With a single click of a button the plugin generates an XML file that can be imported to another website.
After the installation the plugin adds a new block - Demo Content where you can export or import the content.
File Import
To import the content, you need to upload the XML file and press Start Import.
Once the import begins you will see a box with progress bars.
After the import is complete you can view the site or customize it.
File Export
To export the data, you only need to press an Export button and an XML file will be created automatically.
Array Structure
XML importer settings. Features:
- enabled
- enable/disable XML importer;
- use_upload
- show/hide the files upload form;
- path
- path to the pre-installed sample-data;
- import
- import settings;
- chunk_size
- number of processed items at 1 importing step. The less this number is, the more steps will be during the importing process, and less time will be spent for 1 step. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to reduce this number for the themes with large sample data to avoid problems with importing files on weak servers;
- remap
- data post-processing settings. Here you need to add keys with posts IDs that can be changed during the import;
- post_meta
- post metadata settings;
- term_meta
- terms metadata settings;
- options
- options.
Export Settings
- message
- message displayed in the export block;
- logo
- url of the logo displayed in the export block;
- options
- options array for the additional export.
- success links
- associative array of links displayed on successful installation page. Link ID is used as a key. The plugin contains IDs for the homepage and for customizer;
- label
- link text;
- type
- type of displayed button (default, primary, success, danger, warning);
- target
- _balnk, _self;
- url
- link url.
Cherry Plugin Wizard
Cherry Plugin Wizard is a powerful instrument that allows you to install all the necessary plugins and demo-content in an easy and effortless way.
To install it you must go to Plugins tab in your administration panel. There you'll see the following notice.

Just click on Begin installing plugin link, and the installation will begin.
After Cherry Plugin Wizard is installed you will be able to see Cherry Plugin Wizard tab in your administration panel. Go to this tab, and Cherry Plugin Wizard will offer you to install the bunch of recommended plugins to your theme.

You can also select which particular plugins you want to be installed. To do it you just have to select them from the list that wil appear on your page. Then click on Next button and proceed to the installation process.

When the plugins are installed it is time to install demo content for your theme. Cherry Plugin Wizard will offer you to do just that.

Demo Content Installation
Cherry Plugin Wizard will offer you several scenarios how to install demo content to your theme.
- Append demo content to my existing content
- this option will append the demo content for your theme with your existing content.
- Replace my existing content with demo content
- this option will rewrite your previous existing content with the demo content.
- Skip demo content installation
- by choosing this option you refuse to install demo content for your theme.
When the installation will be over you'll see the following notice.

Cherry Projects
If you need to create various kinds of projects and display information about them on the website this plugin is exactly what you need. The plugin Cherry Projects offers a full set of options and settings that will help you to adjust the project in accordance with the specifications of your business.
- projects
- here you will see a full list of projects ever created on the website;
- add projects
- press this tab to create a new project. For that you need to perform some actions:
- title
- title of the project;
- content block
- add information about your project;
- external link
- specify the external link;
- external link text
- specify the external link text;
- external link target
- choose a proper external link target;
- projects details
- specify detail label and detail info;
- project skills
- add skills and specify the skill value.
Image Format Options
- additional images
- add images for an Image post format;
- image listing layout
- choose a proper listing layout;
- column number
- specify the number of columns for image gallery;
- image margin
- specify margin between the images.
Gallery Format Options
- gallery images
- add images for the gallery;
- use navigation
- enable/disable navigation;
- use infinite scrolling
- enable/disable infinite scrolling;
- thumbnails position
- choose a thumbnail position.
Audio Format Options
- audio source
- choose proper audio files.
Video Format Options
- video source type
- choose a proper video source type;
- video embed url
- enter video url;
- HTML5 video source
- add video file;
- HTML5 video source
- add video poster;
- categories
- here you can find and create categories for the posts;
- tags
- specify the tags for projects.
In this section you can find all the plugin settings:
- projects listing layout
- choose projects listing view layout;
- pagination mode
- choose projects pagination mode;
- loading animation
- choose posts loading animation;
- hover animation
- choose posts images hover animation;
- filters
- enable/disable listing filters;
- filter type
- select if you want to filter posts by tag or by category;
- projects filter categories list
- choose filter categories;
- order filters
- enable/disable order filters;
- order filter default value
- specify the order filter value;
- order by filter default value
- choose the order criteria;
- post format
- choose a proper post format;
- column number
- select number of columns for masonry and grid projects layouts. (Min 2, max 6);
- posts per page
- select how many posts per page do you want to display(-1 means that will show all projects);
- item margin
- select projects item margin (outer indent) value;
- grid template
- grid content template;
- standard post template
- standard post template;
- image post template
- image post template;
- gallery post template
- gallery post template;
- audio post template
- audio post template;
- video post template
- video post template.
Cherry Search
Cherry Search allows you to send search queries without reloading the page via AJAX technology. In this way, users can find any information they are interested in quickly and easily. Thanks to a full range of settings, you can customize the functionality of the plugin the way you need.
Once the plugin is installed you can see a Cherry Search button in the right sidebar of your admin panel:
Main Settings
- replace the standard search form
- this option allows to replace all the standard search forms on your website;
- search button text
- this option sets search button text;
- search button icon
- this option sets search button icon;
- caption / placeholder text
- this option sets placeholder text in input field.
Search Result Settings
- search in
- you can select particular search sources. If nothing is selected in the option, search will be made over the entire site;
- exclude categories from search results
- this option allows to set categories in which search will not be made;
- exclude tags from search results
- this option allows to set tags in which search will not be made;
- exclude post types from search results
- this option allows to set post types in which search will not be made;
- number of results displayed in one search query
- this option will allow you to limit the number of displayed search results. If the overall number of results exceeds previous set limit, the load more button will come up;
- sort search results by
- sort search results by a certain criteria;
- filter results by
- filter search results by ascending or descending order.
Visual Settings
- show post titles
- show/hide post titles;
- post word count
- specify the post word count;
- show post authors
- show/hide post authors;
- prefix before author`s name
- specify the prefix that will be displayed before author’s name;
- show post thumbnails
- show/hide posts thumbnails;
- enable scrolling for dropdown lists
- enable disable scrolling for dropdown search results lists;
- dropdown list height
- specify the dropdown list height;
- view more button text
- add text for view more button.
- negative search result
- text that will be displayed if nothing is found;
- technical error
- text that will be displayed during technical error.
Cherry Sidebar Manager
This Cherry Sidebar Manager is designed to create custom sidebars with specific sets of widgets and define custom sidebars on pages.
To add a new sidebar, go to the Appearance > Widgets section and click Create a new sidebar.
Input Sidebar name and Sidebar description. Then click Creating Sidebars
You can arrange your widgets set in your sidebar by adding the new ones, changing the order of widgets and removing the unused ones.
Avaliable Post Sidebar Areas
Cherry Socialize
Cherry Socialize plugin is a perfect instrument for managing social networks right on yout website. By now it can add an improved Instagram widget on any page of your website.
Installing Cherry Socialize
To install Cherry Socialize you need to follow the steps described below:
upload plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory;
activate Cherry Socialize plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
You can edit it fom here: Administration Panel > Plugins > Cherry Socialize > Edit Plugin.
You can also use it right after installing! To do this go to Customizer, open Widgets tab and choose Add Widget > Cherry Socialize Instagram . That's it!
Cherry Team Members
The plugin Cherry Team Members is specially designed to make it easier for the businesses to display info about their team and personnel. It contains a full set of options and tools that will help adjust the profile in accordance with the skills and the position of the members. Let’s take a closer look at the plugin on the front end.
- properties
- here you can see all the available posts;
- types
- in this section you can create various real estate types;
- tags
- add proper tags;
- features
- add all necessary features to the post;
- settings
- here you can find all the settings for the plugin.
Cherry Testimonials
Unveil customers' feedback on your services to look more reliable to prospects. This easy-to-use plugin
This Cherry Testomonials . is designed to help you add testimonials and reviews to the site and customize their look in accordance with the design of the website. Testimonials can also be added via shortcodes to any page or post.
With Cherry Testimonials, you can prove your testimonials aren't fake and were written by real people. Besides the testimonial itself, it's possible to reveal a lot of details about its author. They include his name, photo, email, company he works in, his position, and link to the site of that company or his personal blog. Note that you can hide the email, position, company's name, and photo, if a customer doesn't want you to reveal any of that data.Adding new testimonials
To add a new testimonial, find Testimonials tab in the WordPress sidebar and press Add New button.
Give Donation
Give-Donation Plugin provides you with a powerful donation platform optimized for online giving. With Give-Donation you can accept charitable gifts through customizable donation forms, view donation statistics and reports, manage donors, and integrate with a wide variety of third-party gateways and services. Give-Donation is free and yet is full of many advanced features to suit your needs.
Installing Give-Donation plugin
- Upload the give-donation-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the Give-Donation plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Configure the plugin by going to the Settings > Give-Donation Options.
- Use the Give-Donation by going to the Appearance > Widgets.
Power Builder
Power builder is a brand new drag and drop page builder. It allows even non developers to build top-quality and fully functional sites for any kind of business.
Power Builder Integrator
Power Builder Integrator is specially designed to help users integrate 3d party plugins into the Content Builder.
The Events Calendar
This Events Calendar plugin allows to rapidly create events, view calendar month with dofferent tooltips, view various lists, search events, view upcoming events.
Plugin Settings
number of events to show per page;
show comments;
include events in main blog loop;
events URL slug;
single event URL slug;
default currency symbol;
duplicate venues and organizers.
Map Settings
enable google maps;
google maps default zoom level.
Timezone Settings
timezone mode;
show timezone.
TM Timeline
Timeline plugin allows webmasters to add various timelines.
Installing the TM Real Estate plugin
Upload the timeline-master folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
That's it!
After the plugin is installed and activated, you will see an additional menu tab in the left sidebar. Let's take a look how to create a new timeline. For that we need to click the Add new button and specify some information:
- enter title here
- type in the title of the new property.
In this section you can see all the timeline posts created previously.
In this section you can add new tags for the types:
- name
- name of the tag;
- slug
- slug of the tag;
- description
- description of the new type.
In this section you can change settings of the timeline:
- layout
- choose a proper layout type for the timeline;
- visible items limit
- number of items visible on the page;
- tag
- select the tag;
- date format
- select a proper date format;
- display anchors
- this option allows you to make the timeline post title clickable and lead users to the post;
- generate shortcode
- press the button and insert the shortcode to the required page.
WP User Avatar
With the help of this WP User Avatar plugin you can easily use custom avatars that are uploaded through Gravatar. It allows you to upload the avatars right from the Media Library of your WordPress account.

Installing WP User Avatar
download, install, and activate the WP User Avatar plugin;
on your profile edit page, click Edit Image;
choose an image, then click Select Image;
click Update Profile;
upload your own Default Avatar in your WP User Avatar settings (optional). You can also allow Contributors & Subscribers to upload avatars and disable Gravatar;
choose a theme that has avatar support. In your theme, manually replace get_avatar with get_wp_user_avatar or leave get_avatar as-is;
you can also use the [avatar_upload] and [avatar] shortcodes in your posts. These shortcodes will work with any theme, whether it has avatar support or not.
Right after the installation, you will see a new tab on the left sidebar. Let's navigate to the "Settings" section.

Here you can see the list of settings that allow you to adjust the avatars in accordance with your preferences. Once the customization is complete, press the "Save Changes" button.