Monstroid2 Installation
From this block you can learn the full process of installing Monstroid2.
Full Installation
This block describes the detailed process of installing Monstroid2 as well as Jet plugins set and demo content.
In the case You want to install and use both Monstroid2 theme together with Jet plugins pack and demo content, feel free to follow the steps described below.
Step 1
First, let’s install M2-Theme-Wizard plugin. It is available for download in the archive with the theme.
Click Install button and the plugin will be installed on your site. Then click Activate option to activate it.
- M2-Theme-Wizard plugin allows to install the theme with all the needed plugins and skins smoothly in a step-by-step way. When it is active, you'll see Install Theme block where you need to paste the order ID for Monstroid2 theme.
- After this you'll see Use Child Theme? block where one can decide if he wants to install the parent theme only, or to install the Child theme along with the parent theme in order to make all the changes in CSS safe at all times. Click Continue button when you've made a choice.
- Select Skin and Start Install block allows to select the skin to install it on the theme with all the plugins and demo content. One can skip the demo content installation if needed later. Select the needed skin from the skins grid and click Start Install below it to proceed to its installation.
- After you’ve picked the demo you want to install, M2-Theme-Wizard will open Configure Plugins page, which displays the lists of Required Plugins, Recommended Plugins and Extra Plugins.
Required Plugins - here you can find the minimum set of service plugins for your theme installation set by default.
Recommended Plugins - here you can see the recommended set of basic plugins to display the template’s pages. The best option for your site's future configuration. If you will not install one or more plugins from this list, the specific sections of the template, for which these plugins are responsible, will not be displayed.
Extra Plugins - here one can view the full list of plugins available for a template installation is recommended if you want to add additional functionality to your theme.
Check or uncheck the plugins from the represented list in order to select which ones you want to be installed on your site. After that click Next button. The installation process will start.
- In the case you already have the needed plugins, click Skip to demo content button to skip this step and start demo content installation.
When the plugins are installed the green notices will appear informing you that the plugins are already installed and active on your site. The blue progress bar will show how long it will take to install all the selected plugins.

It’s time to install demo content. After the plugins are installed you can see the We’re almost there page where one can choose if you want to:
Append demo content to my existing content - the sample data will be added to the current content of your theme.
Replace my existing content with demo content - your current data will be replaced by the new demo content (sample data). If you want to save the current content of your theme, please choose Skip Data Installation.
Skip demo content installation - the sample data will not be installed on your theme and your current content will stay as it is.
After you’ve chosen the most suitable option, click Next button. The demo content will be automatically installed on your site. The blue progress bars will indicate the percents of demo content which are accomplished.
After everything is done you’ll be redirected to Congratulations! You’re all set! page. Here you can:
- view your site;
- start editing pages;
- navigate to documentation;
- access the knowledge base;
- switch the skin.