Locksmith company

Wordpress Theme

Third-party Plugins

Easy Twitter Feed

Display tweets on your site without creating an API. With the help of this advanced Easy Twitter Feed Widget plugin. In this way, you can add tweets quickly and worry-free.

It will be a perfect solution for both experienced bloggers and begineers who only start working with the plugins.

Installing Easy Twitter Feed plugin

  1. Upload the easy-twitter-feed-widget folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the Easy Twitter Feed plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

  3. Configure the plugin by going to the Settings > Easy Twitter Feed Options

  4. Use the Easy Twitter Feed by going to the Appearance > Widgets

Next you need to get Twitter Widget ID. Follow the steps listed below:

  1. Sign In to your Twitter Account

  2. Go to Settings > Widgets > Create new

  3. Click Create Widget button

  4. You can copy the Widget ID from Browser Address Bar e.g. 419173025219799552

  5. OR You can copy the Widget ID from the given HTML under the Widget Preview i.e. data-widget-id="419173025219799552"