
JetPopup Export and Import

From this block, you’ll learn how to export and import the popup templates.

Popup Export

  1. In case you've created a popup template, yet you want to export it in order to use it on different site, please, navigate to JetPopup > All Popups block. Here you can see the full list of all the popup templates existing on your site.
  2. Here hover at the popup template you want to export and click Export Popup option. The template will be saved in JSON format.

Popup Import

  1. To import a popup template navigate to JetPopup > All Popups block in the Dashboard. Here click Import Popup button located at the top of the page.
  2. Browse the JSON template of the needed popup from your hard drive. Then click Import Now button. After that, Elementor editor will open and you'll be able to work with the newly imported popup template.