Template installation
If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to order installation service using our live-chat.
Import theme
Note: this method does not provide sample data installation.
Template preparation
Before you proceed, please make sure you have already downloaded the template and extracted the files from the template package.
When the files are extracted, you can proceed to uploading the template.
Log into your PrestaShop admin panel and navigate to Design -> Theme & Logo. At the top of the page click Add new theme button (1).

Click Add file button (1) in Import from your computer section. Navigate to previously unzipped template package and open themeinstallator folder.
Select your theme .zip file and click Save (2).

The uploading process will be started. You will see the message that the theme has been successfully uploaded. Your new theme preview will appear in the list of installed themes.

In order to activate the theme, hover the cursor over the theme preview icon and click Use this theme.

Automatic installation with demo data (Sample data installer)
If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to order installation service using our live-chat.
To make your PrestaShop store appear the same as template live demo, you need to install sample data. It will contain all demo products, categories, modules and store settings.
If you use PrestaShop 1.7.6.x version - please download this -> sample data module version
If you use PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version - please download this -> sample data module version
Before proceeding to sample data import, you should check the following:
- Make sure your database prefix is ps_ for sample data to apply to the site You can check it in Advanced Parameters -> Information.
- Your server settings should meet Prestashop requirements, especially max_execution_time should be set to at least 300 on the server.
- PHP version should be 7.2 for the best performance. You can find all the recommended settings here.
- In Advanced Parameters > Performance set Debug mode to No.
In order to install sample data using the Sample data installer module, please follow instruction from the step 1 (Theme import) of this manual. Then in your store admin panel you'll see Sample data installer module.
Using this module you can easily install store sample data in few easy steps. Please do the following:
From the admin panel menu click "Install Demo Store" item.
Select and upload sample data files from 'sample_data' directory of your template package. You can do this using the "Browse local files" button or dragging sample data files to the browser window.
You will see the pop-up window offering different types of sample data installation. By default, it's set to 'Load all content' type (1). This means that all sample data will be imported to your store. If that's what you need, click the 'Confirm' button.
If you do not need to install all sample data, uncheck 'Load all content' (1), choose from the required options below by checking options the same way (2) and confirm your choice (3).
Wait until the files are uploaded.
Then click "Continue Install" button.
Then Sample data installer will automatically configure your store and other modules. This can take several minutes.
When sample data is installed successfully, you need to perform the last step - regenerate images.
Click "Go To Regenerate Page" button at the bottom of the page.
To regenerate images click "Regenerate thumbnails" button.
If you have your own content, select only Modules during sample data installation so your content stays and only theme modules demo content is installed:
Congratulations, your demo store is installed.
Manual template installation with sample data
If you don't want to spend your time installing the template, don't hesitate to order installation service using our live-chat.
To make your PrestaShop store appear the same as template live demo, you need to install sample data. It will contain all demo products, categories, modules and store settings.
Please do not use the sample data for your running website! This will replace all your store products and store settings.
Before proceeding to sample data import, you should check the following:
- Make sure your database prefix is ps_ for sample data to apply to the site You can check it in Advanced Parameters -> Information.
- Your server settings should meet Prestashop requirements, especially max_execution_time should be set to at least 300 on the server.
- PHP version should be 7.2 for the best performance. You can find all the recommended settings here.
- In Advanced Parameters > Performance set Debug mode to No.
Uploading template files
To upload the template to your server:
- Open the template package.
- Then go to the /theme/manual_install/ folder.
- Upload /img/, /modules/ and /themes/ folders to PrestaShop root directory.
You can check the detailed video tutorial on how to upload files to server using FTP manager and how to upload files to a server using cPanel (WebHost Manager, WHM).
Installing Sample data
Sample data is provided as an .SQL file. It is located in the theme/manual_install/ of the template package and is called dump.sql.
The dump.sql file can be installed using the phpMyAdmin tool or some other database management tool in your hosting control panel.
Before you proceed, please back up your database.
Please make sure your version of PrestaShop engine matches the template requirements. Otherwise, the database will be damaged.
When you are done with installing the dump.sql file, you will need to activate the template.
From the PrestaShop admin panel, go to Design > Theme & Logo, choose your template in the Themes section and click 'Save' button.
Adding languages to online store
Once the multi-language template is installed, you will be able to add all languages provided with it (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian) to the online store platform. It can be done this way:
Go to 'International > Translations' in the admin panel, find 'ADD/UPDATE A LANGUAGE' and add languages by choosing them from the drop-down menu (1) and clicking the 'Add or update a language' button (2) .

If you do not want to have some languages, you can delete them (2) or turn them off (1) in the 'International > Localization > tab Languages' menu.

Modules installation
Each template is provided with some specific module settings. To make the modules appear the same as on the demo preview, you will need to configure them. All modules can be configured in the PrestaShop admin panel.
In your PrestaShop admin panel, select Modules > Modules and Services from the main menu.
The section id divided into 3 tabs - Selection, Installed modules and Notifications.
- Selection - selection of modules recommended for your shop (based on your country, language and version of PrestaShop); it includes the most popular modules from Addons marketplace, and free partner modules.
- Installed modules - all the modules you’ve added to your shop, either by buying it from PrestaShop Addons, or by uploading it directly.
- Notifications - list of modules which require your attention: you need to take some action to ensure they are fully operational (configure or update them).
To install a module, open the 'Selection' tab, locate it in the list and click the 'Install' (1) button.

You can manage your modules in 'Installed modules' tab.
Using the module links you can configure it (Configure link), uninstall the module (Uninstall link), activate/deactivate them (Enable | Disable links), or reset their settings to default (Reset link).

After activating the necessary modules, you need to assign them to correct positions.
In PrestaShop admin panel, select Design > Positions from the top menu. You can place a module in the required position by clicking the arrow buttons (1) or dragging it up or down in the modules list.

Configuring images
In PrestaShop you can use predefined image dimensions for product images, category images, manufacturers, etc.
For example, images of the 'home' dimensions are usually used for the product images on category listings, 'large' for main product image on the product info page.
To configure product image dimensions, open your PrestaShop admin panel, go to Design > Image Settings .