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F2 Documentation (Magento 2.2)

Magento theme installation

This theme is not compatible with Magento 1.9 engine. It will work with the Magento 2.2.2 engine only.

Install Theme on Live Store

To install the theme you only need to upload all the theme files (the app folder) to your server and then enable the theme in the admin panel.

If you don't want to spend your time installing the theme, don't hesitate to order installation service using our live-chat.

But to avoid unexpected problems after installation, you should first prepare your Magento. Please strictly follow the steps described in this guide:


Please DO NOT import sample data if you have a live website as it will completely replace your database contents, and all your website data will be LOST.

First of all, please make sure your Magento installation version meets the template requirements. The detailed Magento update guide you will find on the Magento User Guide.

*It is recommended to install the theme on a test server before you install it on a live store.

Step 1. Backup Magento files
Backup Magento files and the store database.

Important: creating backup before installation of any themes or extensions in Magento is extremely important, especially if you are working on a live store.

On the Admin sidebar, tap System. Then under Tools, choose Backups.

In the upper-right corner, tap the button for the type of backup you want to create:

System Backup-
creates a complete backup of the database and the file system. During the process, you can choose to include the media folder in the backup.
Database and Media Backup- creates a backup of the database and the media folder.
Database Backup-
creates a backup of the database.

To put the store into maintenance mode during the backup, mark the checkbox. When the backup is complete, maintenance mode is turned off automatically.

For a system backup, mark the Exclude checkbox if you do NOT want to include the media folder. Then when prompted, confirm the action.(press OK)

The backaps files stored under the var > backups folder.

In case of Error 503 DELETE the maintenance.flag file from var folder.

Step 2. Disable the cache
Disable all cache systems which you have in your Magento.

Important: when developing your Magento store, in order to be able to see changes immediately, you should completely disable the cache. You can enable it after you finish configuring your store.

    On the Admin sidebar, tap System. Then under Tools, choose Cache Management.

    Choose Select All from the Mass Action dropdown.

    Then you need to select Disable from the Action dropdown and press the Submit button.

    Do not forget to enable the cache after the theme installation and configuration.

    Step 3. Upload the app folder

    Now you need to copy the zipped content of the theme folder (the app folder) to the root folder of your online shop.

    • theme
      contains Magento theme files and directories that should be uploaded to the root directory of your Magento installation .
      • app
    Find the theme > app folder. You need to archive (.zip) the app folder to upload it to the server. Use the WinZip 9+ (for Windows) or Stuffit Expander 10+ (for Mac) to compress the app folder.

    Log into cPanel > navigate to the Files section and click on the File Manager icon.

    Once you select your directory, click on the Go button.

    Open the root folder of your online store.

    Click on the Upload icon.

    Make sure you've set the correct permissions type for the app folder. The permissions should be CHMOD 755 or 777, depending on your server configuration.

    Click on the Browse button.

    Find the Click Open.

    Once the process is completed press on the Go Back to link.

    Step 4. Unzip the app folder

    Select the uploaded zip file and click the Extract icon

    Make sure the right folder is indicated. Press the Extract File(s) button.

    Then press the Close button and Reload the File Manager page.

    You can delete the .zip folder after unzipping.

    Step 5. Run the console

    After unzipping run the console and navigate to the root directory of your store.


    Due to the peculiarities of the engine you will have to use any console environment with the command line. Module configuration will be mainly performed via the command line. If you perform changes on the hosting server, you can contact your hosting provider for help and use the hosting command line.
  1. Run the following commands in the command line, one by one:
    1. bin/magento setup:upgrade
    2. bin/magento index:reindex
    3. bin/magento cache:clean
  2. Then follow the instructions for setting up the theme.

Template Configuration

We are going to review template configuration options based on the example. We will configure it the same way as our Live Demo template, without affecting products data.

Activate the new theme

  1. Open Magento admin panel and navigate to Content > Configuration menu.
  2. In the list of stores you need click edit at Global-Main Website. Also, you can click edit for a particular store view if you have them.
  3. In the Default Theme click Applied Theme drop-down list select the required theme, then click Save Configuration button.
  4. Reindex Magento data. See the tutorial on How to Reindex data.

Logo Configuration

Please follow these steps when setting up logo image included into the theme package (you can view it on the Live Demo page).

  1. Open the Magento admin panel and select Content > Configuration in the side menu.
  2. In the list of stores you need click edit at Global-Main Website. Also, you can click edit for a particular store view if you have them.
  3. Select the "Header" tab, and upload your logo.
  4. Click "Save Config" button.

Static blocks configuration

When you are done with the pages configuring, you need to configure the static blocks. The procedure is similar: you need to copy the code from the source files and paste it to the corresponding fields in the Magento admin panel. You need to use a similar table but for the static blocks.

Block ID may vary in your Magento installation. You can get correct block id from Content > Blocks section in Admin panel.

  1. In the top menu navigate to Content > Blocks.
  2. In the top right corner click the "Add New block" button to add a new static block.
  3. Specify the block name and identifier. You can get the block details from the table at the template configuration page [check the Pages Configuration part].
  4. Open the block source file and copy the HTML code into the content area.

NOTE: some templates do not contain any static blocks, so the table can be empty.

The source files with the static blocks code are stored in the "sources\demo\static_blocks\" folder of the template package.

How to display our blocks with static content?

  1. In the top menu navigate to Content > Widgets
  2. In the top right corner click the "Add Widget" button to add a new widget.
  3. Specify the widget type CMS Static Block and theme that you want to apply the widget to, then click Continue button.
  4. On the next page in the Widget Title field enter the name of the widget which will be displayed in the admin panel. In the Assign to Store Views field you need to select store views which will display the widget. In the Layout Updates block click Add Layout Update button. In the Display On field you can select pages where widget will be displayed on. Depending on selected pages you will have opportunity to fill in the additional fields.
  5. In the left sidebar click Widget Options tab and select the static block you are referring to. Don't forget to save changes.

When you are done configuring store pages and blocks, your store is ready to go.

Pages configuration

In order to make your template look exactly like our Live Demo, you need to set up store pages in a specific way. We provide all the files with the pages source code. You need to add them into Magento admin panel as per the instructions below using the settings table. Settings table is located on the Template Settings page on the template preview page.

The main template page will be affected the most. It usually contains the following elements: banners, slider, etc.

We recommend that you disable the WYSIWYG editor. To do this, from the admin top menu select Stores > Configuration. Open the "Content Management" section uncheck and in the WYSIWYG Options window set "Enable WYSIWYG Editor" option to "Disabled Completely".

In case you have already made the changes to your pages code and would like to add our code without affecting your changes, it is recommended to contact professional technicians or prepare a backup before making changes.

  1. From the top menu select Content > Pages. Here you can find all the store pages. Home page, About Us and Customer Service should already be available, so you don't need to add them. You only need to update the pages HTML and XML content. Open any of them in order to get the access to the content.
  2. Open the page and select the Content tab. It contains the HTML code of the page. You can take the page HTML code from the appropriate source file. You can see the list of source files included in the "Template Settings" section on your templates preview page. Copy the code from the source file and paste it to the content area.
  3. When you are done with the HTML code, switch to "Design" tab. It contains the page XML code. XML code allows you to add Magento static blocks and widgets to the page. The XML code should be copied the same way as the HTML from the source file. Copy the XML code to the "Layout Update XML" area.
  4. Don't forget to select the valid "Layout" option.
  5. In case you need to add a new page, click the "Add New Page" button in the top right corner.

Template Settings